X-Force Story

In 1980, Mats Thulin first met Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries and the inventor of Nautilus exercise machines. Mats was impressed with the training methods and the innovative machines, and made up his mind to bring Nautilus equipment to Sweden. Since then he has started and managed 145 fitness centers together with two business partners throughout Scandinavia. 
Thulin spent much time exploring the possibility of a new approach that would deliver both concentric and eccentric training in a simple and effective way. 
After many years of experimenting, he suddenly hit on an idea. Suppose you could tilt the weight stack in the positive phase, and then return it to upright in the negative phase. What would be the impact or weight increase? Could this be the solution he sought? 
After weeks of designing a machine that would enable lateral movement of the weight stack, the question was how to measure the result. This dilemma inspired one colleague to try an angler´s scale. The scale was applied. The numbers were recorded and compared and the conclusion was a weight difference of 40.7%. 
Three years later, the first prototype was ready. The X-Force innovation of tilting weight stack that unloads the positive phase, and then, overloads the negative, is now patented and in full production.